06/02/95 Om Shanti Avyakt BapDada Madhuban 02/05/74
Become complete with all virtues, the same as the Father.
Do you consider yourselves to be master oceans of knowledge? Just as the Ocean of Knowledge is complete with allpowers, in the same way, do you experience yourselves to be complete with all attainments? Is the praise, "Nothingis lacking in the treasure貞tore of the deities", sung for the Brahmins or for the deities? You experience all thesanskars in your Brahmin life because you are now filling yourselves with all these sanskars. So, do you experiencethe sanskars of this praise in yourselves at this time. It is at this time that you are the children of BapDada, theHighest on High. However, whilst in the deity life, you will not be called master almighty authorities. Since you arethe children of the Ocean, will you be complete like the Ocean now or in the future? The Father makes the childrencomplete in everything at this time, and this is why the praise of the final stage is "Complete with all virtues, sixteencelestial degrees complete, completely viceless and completely non赳iolent." In the praise, the word complete is alsoattached to every virtue. Only in Brahmin life do you receive from the father the inheritance of being complete.Have you claimed a right to your inheritance or are you still going to claim it? You should have a right to the inheritance from the moment that you belong to the Father. What is the inheritance? Do you experience allattainment and the unlimited, limitless treasures in your inheritance?
Since you have a right to the inheritance, what is the sign of one who has all rights? One who has all rights wouldconstantly be like the Father, a benefactor, merciful, a great donor, a donor of virtues, one who grants a vision of theFather through his every thought, word and practical action like the Father. For such souls who have all rights, thepraise is that nothing is lacking in their life. The vision of those who are complete in everything is not drawn towardsanything. They constantly stay in spiritual intoxication. They will be beyond having any wasteful thoughts; theirintellect and vision will not be drawn in other directions and they will remain free from all types of worry. They willconstantly be playing with the treasures received from the Father. They don't even have the time to have any otherthoughts, because they constantly remain busy in imbibing and distributing to others the treasures they have receivedfrom the Father. The greatest business, the greatest donation and the greatest charity is this. What else would you doif you let go of such an elevated task and such elevated donation and charity? Do you have time for anything else?Do you still have time to have thoughts of performing insignificant tasks or have you already finished all tasks?Since you have not finished everything, how can you have time for anything else? Can those who remain busy insuch a great task have any aim and object in playing with dolls? Is there any result in that? If someone veryimportant, someone who normally earns multimillions at every step, plays with dolls, would you call him someonewho is greatly sensible? Wasteful thoughts are the play of dolls. Do you still have such sanskars of childhood?
Can those who do not have control over their essential, close and live powers; their thoughts, mind and intellect; canthose who do not have all rights and who are not victorious, become the victorious jewels who have the right to worldsovereignty? Can a kingdom, in which the main one is not one who has all rights, remain constant, unshakeable andfree from obstacles? If the mind and intellect, the closest powers of the soul, the main ones who rule the kingdom, theworkers, are not under your control, what would you call such workers? The greatest victorious ones or the weakestof all? So check yourself and see whether your main workers are under your control. If not, then how would youbecome the ones who have a right to world sovereignty or the world emperors? If your own little workers deceiveyou, would you be called mahavirs? You issue a challenge that you are establishing a kingdom that is ruled with lawand order. If the workers, that is, the sense organs of those who issue the challenge are not under their own law andorder, but that they themselves are under the influence of the workers, then can they establish law and order in theworld?
To what extent are all your sense organs under your control? Check this and develop the sanskars of being victoriousfrom now. Only those who glorify BapDada's name can become complete, the same as the Father. Achcha.
To those who understand with a signal and make their workers work with a signal; to those who direct all soulstowards the Father; to those who experience all rights; to those who are constantly complete and constantlyvictorious; to such sensible children, BapDada's, love, remembrances, good night and namaste.
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